Vegas was really fun. Got there on Friday, met with Taylor's family, went to get our marriage license, then dinner with his family. Yummy food and good times. Saturday, we got up and took the kids to the pool for a little bit. Then it was time to get ready for the ceremony. Taylor's mom, Cathy, came to get Macy and take her back to her hotel. My mom & dad came to help me get ready while Tay & Jax went to Taylor's dad's room to get ready. We then met in the lobby to get in the limo. My mom & dad would meet us there. On their way through the Luxor casino, they dropped my camera. It is gone. I cannot believe whoever found it kept it. People have no hearts anymore. There were pics of Macy & Jax, christmas, easter, and of us before our wedding. I haven't full on cried about it (yet). I keep holding on to a glimpse of hope that it will be turned in. I should let go about now. That was the only bad thing about Vegas. We got married, went back to change, then went to dinner with Taylor's family again. My parents took the kids with them. We then walked around a little bit and went back to the hotel. Sunday, we met my parents before they left so we could say goodbye to the kids. I cried. Of course. I am a freaking bawl baby. Its all good. At least I have a heart, right?
Macy is 5 months now. She is sitting up and rolling over. Time flies and she grows way fast. Jax is a great helper and an awesome big brother. He loves to draw, chalk, and go for 4wheeler rides with his dad. The dang mosquitos are HORRIBLE right now. Even if you spray, they attack.